Creating labels in two columns on a Blogger blog can give your site a more organized and visually appealing look. By default, Blogger displays labels in a single column, but with a bit of HTML and CSS customization, you can easily achieve a two-column layout. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
Step 1: Accessing Blogger Theme Editor
2. Access Theme Editor: After logging in, select the blog for which you want to create the two-column label layout. Then, navigate to the "Theme" section from the left sidebar and click on "Edit HTML".
Step 2: Editing HTML
3. Backup your theme: Before making any changes, it's always a good idea to back up your current theme. You can do this by clicking on the "Download theme" button.
4. Locate the CSS: Once in the HTML editor, you'll need to find the CSS section. Look for <style type="text/css"> or ]]></b:skin> or a similar tag.
5. Add Custom CSS: Below the existing CSS code, paste the following CSS to create a two-column layout for labels:
/* Two-column label */
Step 3: Save Changes
6. Save Template: After adding the CSS, click on the "Save theme" button to apply the changes to your blog.
Step 4: Adding Labels Widget
7. Go to Layout: From the left sidebar, navigate to the "Layout" section of your blog.
8. Add a Gadget: Click on "Add a Gadget" where you want to display your labels (e.g., sidebar or footer).
9. Select Labels Widget: Choose the "Labels" gadget from the list of available gadgets.
10. Configure Labels Widget: In the configuration options, make sure to select the "List" style for labels.
11. Save Changes: Save the gadget configuration.
Step 5: View Your Blog
12. Preview: Visit your blog to see the changes. Your labels should now be displayed in two columns.
Additional Tips:
- Adjust Width: If you want to adjust the width of each column, you can modify the width property in the CSS code accordingly.
- Customize Further: You can further customize the appearance of your labels by adding more CSS styles. For example, you can change the font, color, or spacing to match your blog's design.
By following these steps, you can easily create a two-column layout for labels on your Blogger blog, enhancing its organization and visual appeal.